What to say - its been a long time!
I seem to have put most of our stuff on the now Glory Release Ministries facebook page so if you want to catch up on anything over the past few months
then thats the place to go.
But perhaps now the times are a changing again, another new season. Is it time to head into a website so that more people can access what the Lord is doing but
will the blog surfice? I am so not up with things and don't want to go into too much depth on the whole computer scene because its not my calling or gifting, rather
the Lord would have me spend my time more on him, his word and releasing what he has given me rather than websites and the like but he has the people to do all that so if you are gifted in this area and want to help - would love to hear from you?! :)
Anyway as you know our heart is and calling is for a "Prophetic Preaching Healing Ministry" and it seems the Lord has us renovating the house 'church" of God but we seem to get the toilets and the bathrooms, the places where there is a need for repentance and cleansing. I have learnt over the past few years that this seems to be an area of the house that is the last to do, the area that needs the work but there are not many who want to do it and yet it seems to be the area that the Lord has given us to do. Like the hidden things sometimes are the most important of the body for the whole body to function correctly. But over the past years I have learnt that actually the churches don't want that call for repentance and cleansing and yet without it the body can't function in fullness and in the plan that God had best designed his body to function it. But I believe that now is the time where the line in the sand is being drawn. I believe that now is the time that you/we need to choose whom this day who we will serve. We are no longer in a time that you can sit on the fence but the Lord is returning for his bride and that unless you are dressed in the appropriate clothes for the wedding feast you will be kicked out of the wedding feast.
So let me encourage, please respond to the quiet small voice of the Lord, and sometimes the loud banging voice of the Lord and what he might be saying to you so that you can come into everything he has for you - do not be like Pharoh where he hardened his heart but keep your heart soft and respond to what he might be saying knowing that he only has good for you and your generations. His desire is that none shall be lost, his desire is for you to know his heart for you, his blessing for you, his freedom for you, his joy for you because everything he made was good and his plans are for good. Sometimes we have to go through the fire to understand this and so we need to give thanks for the fire - to give thanks in all circumstances even when we don't like it but knowing and believing by faith that everything works together for good for those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose (Rom 8)
With love