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Showing posts from 2012

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Dear friends and partners, It is time to have a break over the Christmas and New Year Season.  Thank you for all your support and encouragement over this past year and in all that the Lord has been doing.  It has been an amazing year full of challenge and change and seeing God do all that he said he would do as we stepped out in faith in what we believed he was saying and seeing him come through.  It has been an eventful year!  We wonder what will be revealed over the next month or two? We are excited about 2013 and as He shows us more we will keep you to date step by step as He reveals it.  So far just continuing on the words of 'preparing for expansion' and more recently believing for 'surprising and perhaps radical changes' but have no idea what that looks like yet.  So its like opening Christmas presents as you shake the package, get excited about what it is and try to work it out but just make guesses, but at the proper time all will be revealed. :)  And so its

Nailed to the cross other peoples judgements

We nailed Jesus to the cross with our judgements, our misunderstandings, our misinterpretations and yet today we continue to do the same thing to those around us.  We nail people to a cross, we crucify people with our judgements towards them, our thoughts or attitudes, our misunderstandings or interpretation of things.  We hold people in a place that they cannot get out of - but for Jesus! I was sitting in church the other day and while the pastor was preaching this thought came to me and I looked at my own life and the judgements that people have made toward me which have held me in that place.  It's a bit like a smoker feeling the judgements of how people feel about them smoking and because of that judgement it moves them to rebel even more and continue doing that as they fight for the right to be who they are.  I really felt this was deep revelation that the Lord was showing me.  Why am I the way I am, what are the judgements that have been made toward me that I ha

Photos of the worship night on the 28th

I'm going to make mistakes

Can I make a mistake?  Do I allow others the freedom to make a mistake?  Do people have to always have it right?  In growing in our walk with Christ and with others we are going to make mistakes, say the wrong thing, offend people with our words unknowingly, not live up to people's expectations that we didn't even know they had and when that happens what happens to those relationships?  Do we cut people off, hold offense over them, hold them at arms length because they have hurt me or offended me?  Have a different attitude with them, not release them into ministry? Just to let you know I am going to make mistakes, say the wrong thing, possibly offend you with something I may say but know that my heart, along with most other people's hearts out there, is not to offend you, is not to say the wrong thing, is not intentionally doing these things but unintentionally I may do and when I do what are you going to do with it? Freedom is allowing yourself to make mistakes, say t

Some thoughts on dealing with offences

How do I deal with offenses? The other morning the Lord showed me something in a dream where I had caused offense to someone and so I asked the Lord what it was that I had done that created that offense.  There was nothing that came to mind that I felt I needed to go to that person to apologise for, nothing that was obvious, but then the Lord showed me.  I had judged that person in my heart and in so doing was holding that person in a different light than I had previously.  That may not seem much and I know we all do it, but if we truly love people then we no longer see them with the thing we have judged them for but rather we see them as Christ sees them.  Free from sin, free from judgement with all the possibilities, hopes and future that there is in them.  We see all their good qualities, the good characteristics.  We no longer see the sin or not even the sin, but the thing we think they may need to change in, but we see them as Christ sees them, beautifully and

Change is coming - be willing to move from the familiar

Things are about to change quite suddenly I believe.  And in this unexpected change people are used to the old way of doing things and so it takes a little while for people to adjust to the new way.  I saw in a dream that the entrance of our house had changed and like any building that you go into when you are used to it a certain way, when it is different we are not quite sure where to go or what the new layout is.  And so I encourage you in the change not to just walk away, get frustrated, or feel you can't enter in, it is just different.  Even our closest friends may not understand.  And in that change often there can be a flood of words that can come and try and bring destruction, and I saw ministries crashing as things changed and I saw the enemy trying to kill,  but the Lord encouraged me through Lev 26  that when we obey him, then no harm can hurt us outside of his will.  We are His and He has covenanted with us His protection and safety and so I don'

Hard heartedness, blame shifting, not taking responsibility and pride! 1 Peter 5:5 "All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because ,"God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble."

Two nights ago I felt something in the spirit shift and it felt like a 'hard heartedness toward God' that came upon my spirit and I thought this is unusual.  Didn't feel like worshipping, listening to praise music or anything which is highly unusual for me and so I wondered what was happening.  Then yesterday morning something else happened that made Jim & I reflect and ask the Lord what was happening in the spirit and the things that have come out in the past 24 hours are things I want to share with you. Blame shifting, not taking responsibility and a hard heartedness toward the things of the Lord and others.  Big heavy topics but ones that need addressing I believe and ones we all have issues with at some time in our lives, but topics which all lead back to pride.  But when we keep out hearts soft and open to the Lord and to others, we release heaven to earth and we see things shift for the better in our circumstances and in our relationships, in fact in everything.

The storms are coming - will my foundations cope?

I have had several dreams lately in which either storms or things are coming at me and so it is easy to get fearful of what is to come which of course is not of the Lord because His plans for us are good.  But he does say in Proverbs that we will have many afflictions but the Lord delivers us from them all.  So although we will have trials, he is with us in it and will lead us through them. I was reading this morning the story of the Wise and the Foolish builders and I was reminded that although the storms may and will come, I don't need to be concerned because my foundations are in him. Matt 7:23   Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.  The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.  But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who

Led into the desert by the Holy Spirit and returned by the Power of the Spirit

I loved what Toby was saying in church yesterday from Luke 4 but something that hit me was  in 4:1 Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the desert. And then later in 4:14  Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news about him spread through the whole countryside.  (Be worth getting the message from Life Church if you haven't heard it) Jesus was led into the desert by the Holy Spirit and he was led out in the Power of the Spirit. In and out of the wilderness experience but still in all times in the Holy Spirit. No matter where we are at in the Lord, whatever revelation I have or don't have yet is, whether moving in the power of the Spirit or led into the wilderness, we are all still in the Holy Spirit. I find there tends to be superior spirituality within the body of Christ when terms such as "religious spirits" are bandied about.  We elevate one person over another because one has a 'religi

Who are we serving - God or man?

  This morning the Lord has been challenging me and showing me and asking the question – “Why am I doing what I am doing?  Am I doing it for Jesus or for man?” Over the past weekend I kept calling people ‘Mary’ and I clicked this morning what was going on, the Lord was reminding me to be a ‘Mary’ to sit at Jesus feet and so I looked up the story about Martha and Mary.  We all know the story but for me this morning as the Lord is saying to ‘prepare for expansion’ he is also saying in the preparation to keep sitting at his feet.  Luke 10:40  “But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. “  In this season where we need to make room for expansion, it is easy to get distracted with all the preparations that need to be made, easy to not sit and be with Jesus.  Luke 10:38 – 41, a woman named Martha opened her home to him.  She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. The scripture above spoke to me personally as we

Photos from the 22nd of October

Don't be afraid of the giants

How quickly we forget the promises and the victories in the Lord, the testimonies that we have testified too in the past when we come up against a new ‘giant’ that we have not encountered before.  In Deuteronony chapter one this morning I am reminded of the promises of God, of his provision, that he goes before us and will show us the way to go through.   Chapter one is of the spies being sent out to spy out the land and how only two came back saying we can take this land, and all the others became fearful.   How easily we become fearful especially when we look at our own strength and our own capabilities but the Lord would say this morning, "Trust in me, I am leading the way and you will be victorious, yes, you can’t do it, but I can." I believe we can take this land of New Zealand for the Lord because this is where I have set my feet (for now)  Deut 1: 36  “I will give him and his descendants the land he set his feet on, because he followed the Lord wholehearted

Make way for the new development

This morning I had a dream and in this dream I saw Jim & I were helping clear out the rubble and things left in houses that were being demolished.  Whole rows of houses were being demolished and we were asked to come and help clear the area before new things went in.  But while helping shift stuff (although a bit reluctantly as I am not a fan of hard physical work) we were blessed to be able to take the pickings of what was left and I found myself picking up the antique ornaments., the treasures.   There was also a big white fridge that actually was a safe that couldn’t be opened or moved, it was stuck, solid, so wedged in nothing was going to move it. I realise in processing this, this is actually the call the Lord has on Jim & I,  we are called to shift stuff in the spirit,  in peoples lives in order for the new to come in and in seeing the big fridge which was actually a safe, it made me think of Matt 6.  The fridge often represents the heart and a safe of c

Our latest update, next steps and prayer needs

Dear friends, supporters and prayer partners of Glory Release Ministries, & of Jim, Kate & I. Its hard to believe its over a month since our return from Africa.  Time flies when you are having fun. Some things are developing that we would appreciate your prayer on. Earlier in the year we had the conference "Step Up & Step In" as we believed the Lord was saying to step out by faith into those things that you believe for so we did, not only for ourselves and what we believe but also hopefully to encourage the body to do the same in their/your own worlds. And then the Lord challenged us again with Africa and stepping up to a whole another level and the things we saw and all that God did, blew us away.  It's been a time of growing this past year, from one level into another level. And that leads us to now and what we believe him for now.  Some more detail to share within that bigger vision  of :   Evangelistic Gatherings - Where the body of Chr

Declare the Glory of God to the Nations

Share the testimonies Oh for so long the testimonies of the Lord have been shut down and yet there is power in the testimony!  Why is it we do not share the testimonies?  I think some of it is because people think we are being boastful, we are being proud, that we are spiritual know alls, mainly because of what other people might think about us when we share it.  And yes some people do think that, but the real question is – what are the motives of your heart in sharing?  Is it to give glory to God and what he did, no matter how big or small the testimony, then no issue in sharing the testimony, how other people receive it is up to them.  Let him who boast, boast in the Lord. Something the Lord is speaking to me about is declaring what I see in the spirit and speaking it out and so I was looking about scriptures about declaring and I came across this beautiful Psalm of Davids’ that I just had to share.  Read the whole thing if you have a chance but this is a sho

Will you play the piano - will you spit and touch a man's toungue?

We had our worship group the other night and to begin with I saw someone playing the playing so I asked if anyone could and would play the piano because that is what I saw happening in the spirit.  I may have been wrong in the what I saw but I stepped out in faith but alas no one stepped forward to play the piano so Jim played it and I believe in this the Lord was teaching us some valuable lessons.  Jim cannot play the piano at all but he was willing to be used. This morning I was reading in Mark 7:32-35  "There some people brought to him a man who was deaf and could hardly talk, and they begged him to place his hand on the man...    Jesus put his fingers into the man's ears.  Then he spit and touched the man's tongue.  He looked up to heaven and with a deep sigh said to him "Ephphatha!" (which means, "Be opened!).  At this the man's ears were opened, his tongue was loosened and he began to speak plainly. I was reminded of the other night  as I read

It's time to throw out the rotten eggs.

The other day I had a picture of old rotten eggs being thrown out.  In order for being positioned for expansion we sometimes need to throw out the old ideas and thinking in order for the new to come.  Eggs can represent ideas.  We have had many ideas about the ministry and how we can see it happening but what the Lord was saying to me this morning is in order for the new to come, for the expansion to come, the old ideas of how the ministry could happen or what it would look like need to be thrown out so that the new can come.  We need to check those eggs, are they rotten and needing to be thrown out, or are some of those eggs (ideas) that we have still alright for the season we are in? Often we get a vision or a dream or an idea of how things can be and they were good for that time, but the time moves on and we have to move with the times and the time for those things that was there has now come and gone.  Whether or not they happened is irrelevant now because it

Are you feeling frustrated, discouraged, discontented - then be encouraged to keep going for at the proper time you WILL reap a harvest.

Many are the voices I am hearing of frustration, of when, of what is going on, of disappointment, of wanting more but getting discouraged but the Lord would say, do not give up in doing good for at the proper time you will reap a harvest - and I believe that harvest is not long off.  The enemy's tactics are to wear out the saints but I want to encourage you - keep going, don't give up, only believe. In looking at why sometimes frustration etc is there, the Lord showed me that sometimes its because we are looking more at the dreams and visions we have that aren't being fulfilled than looking at the source of our true fulfillment which is only found in Jesus.   Philippians 3:7  “But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ.  What is more, I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things.  I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in hi