We had a special night of people meeting from all different places, different churches, different towns and coming together in fellowship, food and worship was just wonderful. People who had not met before but became connected to others from across the body of Christ. From the Far North to Waipukura.
There was definitely a call for each one of us to 'stretch wide the tent pegs' like that in Isaiah 54. That now is not a time for holding back but for enlargement, that today is the day of salvation, that today is the day of Gods favour and each one of us have a responsibility to stretch out our boundaries and step out in faith into what the Lord has said for our lives. So that is a challenge I bring to all those who read this - stretch out your tent pegs.
I just love what the Lord is doing and what he is teaching both Jim and I and those around us. We are continually learning. The question I want to put out there is what was God teaching you and showing you through this time, what are the areas in your life that you need to stretch out the tent pegs?
On the night it was like an orchestra that tunes up its instruments and then finally plays a great sound in harmony, is a little what it was like on the night in the spirit. Initially all of us finding our tune individually and then together corporately coming together. And that is to be expected when you have different denominations, different generations etc coming together that it takes a bit to find the tune where we all flow together but as the night progressed the Lord brought the sound of the spirit of unity, brought the transforming presence of God as we worshipped, as we focused on Him and not on others, as we loved on each other.
If you have testimonies we would love to hear them as people were prayed for healing in various things and we would love the glory to go to God. Don't hold back the testimonies because it denies what the Lord has done, whether it be a physical healing or emotionally God setting something right in your life. Please share the testimonies, if not to us then to those around you. Lets give the Lord the glory due his name!