Out for a walk this morning with my camera and the Lord spoke to me:

Its all about perspective and what we choose to focus on. We can all be looking at the same picture but see different things and it is what we choose to focus on is what we see and everything else can be a blur. It can be right in front of us and we may not even see it. Like the Kingdom of God, it is right in front of us but because we have our focus elsewhere we don't see it.
Recently I went to the movie Noah and I saw all the possibilities of faith, the encouragement of how big God was, even though the detail of the movie may not have been totally to the word of the Lord. Others however hated the movie because they saw how it didn't line up with the word or for whatever reason, but we both saw the same movie and came away with different views. Not saying either one is right or wrong but sometimes we need to change our focus in order to see how others may see things differently or perhaps to see the fullness of what might be right in front of us.

Its all about perspective and what we choose to focus on. We can all be looking at the same picture but see different things and it is what we choose to focus on is what we see and everything else can be a blur. It can be right in front of us and we may not even see it. Like the Kingdom of God, it is right in front of us but because we have our focus elsewhere we don't see it.
Recently I went to the movie Noah and I saw all the possibilities of faith, the encouragement of how big God was, even though the detail of the movie may not have been totally to the word of the Lord. Others however hated the movie because they saw how it didn't line up with the word or for whatever reason, but we both saw the same movie and came away with different views. Not saying either one is right or wrong but sometimes we need to change our focus in order to see how others may see things differently or perhaps to see the fullness of what might be right in front of us.