We live our lives and think nothing is wrong. We cover our eyes and don't see what is happening all around us. We don't pick up our hands to help because we are so busy in our own worlds, in our own desires, that we don't notice what is happening right around us.
Last night I had several dreams;
All dreams about death, deception, familiarity, and acceptance.
These dreams put things in perspective for me and reminded me or what is important.
We can be so busy in our worlds living our lives, taking our time up with things that seem important but in reality are not.
People are important. There are people dying all around us of real issues that need our help which may mean we need to step in where others perhaps don't see what is going on to those closest to them, as is often the case.
Of deception and familiarity - thinking the lives they are living are all good, yet there is the devil roaming around and they are quite used to it, yet it will lead them down a path that leads to death.
Of a state of acceptance and apathy - this is my lot so I will just accept it instead of believing that we can have a life of abundance in The Lord which he died for, so that we could live and not just survive day to day and yet we don't do anything for that life we could have that was given for us not appreciating the gift that was given in Jesus. Of being in a place of acceptance in their sin, instead of seeing hope and faith released that would bring life and a fight for life and truth.
This reminded me of the poem I wrote a while back where I heard the words audibly
"Help me Pretty lady, Help me".
So what does that mean for me? What does that mean for you? Are there some shifts in our thinking that needs to happen in order to help people, in order for us to take our eyes off us and onto others? In our hearts to not accept the status quo and see what we see all around us and step up and speak truth that would bring hope and a future to people, instead of the acceptance of death?
Open our eyes Lord, open our ears Lord, open our hearts Lord, that we may see, that we may hear, that we may do something about what you show us and not be afraid to stand up in the midst of death and destruction, of deception and apathy, that we may stand up and help those around us when you show us something that is not right and is not of you, that would lead people down a path that leads to death. Give us the ability to stand in the gap for those that need it and perhaps speak truth into peoples lives that will set them free from deception. Where there is a familiar spirit roaming around our houses that just accepts what is not right in you Lord, help us to be set free from it, so that we may see and hear the truth and do something about it.
Oh Lord that we would not just accept that people are dying all around us, and perhaps even ouselves, in many ways, whether physically or spiritually, and that we would not sit back and do nothing about it. Help us Lord to be your hands and feet in the place that you have put us and bring hope to the hurting, bring truth to the lies we and others have believed, bring faith and a future to people who need it.
Thank you Lord, we love you and help us love the people around us the way you loved us and gave your life for us so that we could live, help us give our lives for others so that they too would live and not die.
Last night I had several dreams;
- One of a girl hanging herself in the toilet while her parents were busying studying.
- One of a young man selling real estate but deceiving the people in order to make the sale.
- One of visiting some people who were dating and living together and there were some panthers roaming around their house and they were all good with it and they didn't damage the plants. (for me this spoke of familiar spirit and in fact there are so many living together that is a state of familiar spirit and acceptance that it is alright, but it is not)
- One of being captured by the enemy and put in front of a firing line but ending naked and making love all together as a last request, but the state of acceptance in their hearts of what was going to happen after they made love, instead of believing for a miracle to save them.
All dreams about death, deception, familiarity, and acceptance.
These dreams put things in perspective for me and reminded me or what is important.
We can be so busy in our worlds living our lives, taking our time up with things that seem important but in reality are not.
People are important. There are people dying all around us of real issues that need our help which may mean we need to step in where others perhaps don't see what is going on to those closest to them, as is often the case.
Of deception and familiarity - thinking the lives they are living are all good, yet there is the devil roaming around and they are quite used to it, yet it will lead them down a path that leads to death.
Of a state of acceptance and apathy - this is my lot so I will just accept it instead of believing that we can have a life of abundance in The Lord which he died for, so that we could live and not just survive day to day and yet we don't do anything for that life we could have that was given for us not appreciating the gift that was given in Jesus. Of being in a place of acceptance in their sin, instead of seeing hope and faith released that would bring life and a fight for life and truth.
This reminded me of the poem I wrote a while back where I heard the words audibly
"Help me Pretty lady, Help me".
So what does that mean for me? What does that mean for you? Are there some shifts in our thinking that needs to happen in order to help people, in order for us to take our eyes off us and onto others? In our hearts to not accept the status quo and see what we see all around us and step up and speak truth that would bring hope and a future to people, instead of the acceptance of death?
Open our eyes Lord, open our ears Lord, open our hearts Lord, that we may see, that we may hear, that we may do something about what you show us and not be afraid to stand up in the midst of death and destruction, of deception and apathy, that we may stand up and help those around us when you show us something that is not right and is not of you, that would lead people down a path that leads to death. Give us the ability to stand in the gap for those that need it and perhaps speak truth into peoples lives that will set them free from deception. Where there is a familiar spirit roaming around our houses that just accepts what is not right in you Lord, help us to be set free from it, so that we may see and hear the truth and do something about it.
Oh Lord that we would not just accept that people are dying all around us, and perhaps even ouselves, in many ways, whether physically or spiritually, and that we would not sit back and do nothing about it. Help us Lord to be your hands and feet in the place that you have put us and bring hope to the hurting, bring truth to the lies we and others have believed, bring faith and a future to people who need it.
Thank you Lord, we love you and help us love the people around us the way you loved us and gave your life for us so that we could live, help us give our lives for others so that they too would live and not die.