Psalm 24 Swing wide the gates so the King of Glory may come in - Who is this King of Glory - the Lord Strong and Mighty in Battle. We have opened up our gates - our home - so that the King of Glory may come in. Saturday 9th March Lets worship and welcome the King of Glory! We are blessed to have Hans Kraenzlin and his family from Tauranga join us to lead in worship again before he leaves to go overseas for a time and so we are having a pot luck dinner at our home from 6pm onwards. Bring friends. Some are welcome to stay over communal style so let us know if you are interested to do that if you are from out of town. So bring plenty of food and drink not just for dinner but for the evening as I don't think it will be short :) Bring bedding if you need to: Come with open hearts for the Lord! |
Reading in Acts 7 this morning the story through Stephen of Abraham being told by God to " Leave your country and your people and go the the land I will show you" So he left the land of the Chaldeans and settled in Haran. After the death of his father, God sent him to this land where you are now living. He gave him no inheritance here, not even a foot of ground. But God promised him that he and his descendants after him would possess the land, even though at that time Abraham had no child." As I reflected on this and the journey of Abraham stepping out in faith into a land that he received no inheritance in but a promise of what was to come for his descendants of which we live in the fruit of that, I thought of todays generations in which often is only doing things that we want to do or that will benefit us personally as we live for 'today' not worrying about tomorrow. A sense of if it feels good then do it, if it doesn't then we will move on - perhap...