Dear friends and partners,.
Well the new year has begun and with it the thoughts and plans about what the Lord is asking of us this coming year.
Some things that are becoming very clear to us is that he is 'settling' us down a bit and it is NZ's time and that we are called to build the church here in New Zealand at the moment yet still believe there will be some trips overseas somewhere along the line. How building the church here in New Zealand looks is the question we are asking the Lord to which we still wait and ask you to pray with us to see God's blueprint for how that is to be in this season. It is happening with the various people that the Lord is bringing to us, but we believe he is saying perhaps in a more concrete way?
As mentioned last year we believed he was saying to prepare for expansion and so we stepped into the Resource Room beginning and it becoming equipped with CD's DVD's, books etc that people can borrow so please feel free to come and peruse what is here. Also if you have books etc that you feel would like to add to this, we would value your gifts.
And then the "Prayer Room" which is now established and will begin again for those who are interested on the 20th of February at our home. This is a time of prayer, worship, soaking and ministry.
But the next step we are stepping out in is shifting the Wednesday night meeting that has been happening in our home to Puketaha Hall which is just up the road from us on Puketaha Road, next to the Primary school and meeting there on a now weekly basis. We see this meeting not as a 'church' but more a 'resourcing and equipping centre'. A place where the body of Christ is released in their giftings to bring revival in this nation.
We are a little apprehensive in this move as we are loving what God is doing in our home and we are not wanting to see this change, but the question continually on our minds is our lack of toilets and facilities as this grows as we believe it will, and so the hall is already equipped with all of this. So please pray for us as this transition happens on the 13th of February.
We are really excited about what we believe the Lord is going to do this year, a year of harvest, a year of change, of stepping into new things and wondering how on earth we got there and year of growing in areas that we have not moved in before, but we would ask for your prayer in all of this.
Please pray for us in the area of finances as this continues to be a challenge as missionaries in your own home town it is not valued the same as being missionaries overseas, which people readily support and so we need to see a breakthrough in the whole release of finances. Jim and I are both currently looking and applying for various jobs but believe that we are called full time to building the church, but without finances coming in we cannot do this and what solider serves on the battlefield at his own expense. It was really funny the other day after returning from a ministry trip up the Far North and some people said to us that we are the only people they know that pay to minister and this stopped us in our tracks as this is exactly what we do, not to boast but to share with you our struggle and the need to see a breakthrough because who of you works and pays out of your own pocket to work, instead you work expecting to be paid so that you can live, otherwise why work? We are receiving some support coming in but not enough to cover any of our own personal expenses. So if you believe this is something that God is speaking to you about, if this is something you believe that we are called full time to work for the house of God, no matter where that is, what that looks like, in a church or out of a church, as we are not called to one place or one church, but to the body of Christ, then please commit to sowing into us and the ministry that we carry and you can do that by setting up an automatic payment to Glory Release Ministries bank account 060369 0123246-00. Please put your details so we can send you a tax receipt for donations at the end of the financial year.
So for your calendars at this stage:
13th February Wednesdays begin at Puketaha Hall - Nicky Moran & Band will be leading us in worship that week. Joshua Wong the following week which is a young guy from Life Church so looking forward to that. We will have a variety of people this year leading worship so looking forward to the variety the Lord will bring. Its is also Jims birthday so a time of celebration all round. Which I find really interesting as we finished last year on my birthday on a Wednesday, begin this year on Jims birthday being a Wednesday and also feel there is a change more with Jim leading this year more than me, so the finishing of one season and moving into the next.
20/21st February Wednesday & Thursday morning Prayer Room open from 10am until 1pm
May the Lord richly bless you this coming year and please don't forget to check out our website/facebook which will keep you updated on current events and happenings.
Those addresses are: and Glory Release Ministries on Facebook
With love and thanks for all your prayers and support and we look forward to seeing some of you at the Wednesday gatherings.
Jim & Sarah Chamberlin