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Bus crash in Botswana - Rejoice in the Lord always.

Well we had an interesting introduction to Botswana - yes a bus crash.  It was amazing and most probably the worst accident I have been in to this day (but not bad I am sure to some of you out there) but thankfully the Lord looked after us and protected us. The front tyre of the bus blew out travelling about 120ks per hour and the bus tipped from side to side as it careered off the road into the bus.  How it never hit cars and no one was killed we will never know apart from the protection of the Lord.  We were flown all over the place but thankfully only came out with a few cuts and bruises.  It was literally a miracle that we didn't roll.  One girl was thrown out of the bus in a serious condition, others hurt in various ways but it could have been a whole lot worse.  The Lord gave us peace and we went about praying for people and was blessed especially by one lady who felt the fire of God healing her so much so that she was laughing and crying all at the same time. 

Two days earlier I was reading a word for today and I share it with you as it gives us strength.  It writes "The walk of faith is one of delight - and difficulty.  When you signed on for the first, you signed on for the second.  Paul was on a sixteen month missionary journey - one of miracles and church building.  But he ended up in prison on trumped-up charges and was left to rot there.  How did he respond?  'Rejoice in the Lord always.  Again I will say, rejoice'.  You say, 'How can somebody rejoice in prison?'  When you see your disappointment as God's appointment, you start to understand its purpose.  Paul had books to write that would change the world, so God needed to get him 'off the road'.  Listen to what he wrote from prison:  'I want you to know... that everything that has happened to me here has helped to spread the Good News.  For everyone here, including the whole palace guard, knows that I am in chains because of Christ.  And because of my imprisonment, most of the believers here have gained confidence and boldly speak God's message without fear' (Philippians 1:12-14)  Hidden in some of your biggest disappointments you will find treasures of truth that literally transform your life and your future.

When we finally arrived to our destination we were welcomed with the red carpet treatment.  We have been so well looked after by Pastor Israel.  We are speaking in his church tomorrow morning and then another church tomorrow evening.  We have been out in the bush already and prayed for a family.  The Pastor has everything mapped out for us it is just amazing, so many doors are opening it is just wonderful and the next couple of weeks seem to be all mapped out going to this place to speak and then to that.  In his heart a man plans his course but the Lord determines his steps!!

Please keep praying for us and especially n the area of protection and to keep in the Kingdom of God of righteousness, peace and joy through any trial/testing that may come.  We need his strength in every area but we ask for more and more joy.   Our God is greater than anything that may come against us.  Psalm 91 spoke loud and clear to us last night, that we are hidden in the shelter of his wing and though thousands may fall at our side, no harm can befall us outside of His will and purpose for us as Paul writes, it only serves to make the gospel known!!  With love to all, Jim and Sarah

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