In childlike faith, I have believed that what I have seen my Papa has no problem in doing.
In childlike faith I have stepped out… but found that doors have been closed - FOR NOW.....
That others around me didn’t see what I saw,
That finances didn’t come to do what I believed in,
That people didn’t stand with me,
That for whatever reason that I blamed everyone else for the state of my heart.
And so day by day in disappointment of spirit, my dream becomes less to what I see in front of me,
Day by day by spirit starts to no longer believe for the ‘big’ vision that the Lord showed me,
Day by day my childlike faith becomes beset by conditions, “if that happens, then I will do this”.
And I find the once full of faith child is putting conditions on the steps of which she takes.
And yet his word says “Those who trust in the Lord will not be put to shame”.
And yet his word says “Those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength, they will run and not grow weary, the will walk and not be faint”.
And yet his word says “That He is able to do more than I think, ask or imagine”.
He is the “God of the impossible”.
And so I wait,
And so I watch,
And so I learn to trust that what He says He will do, He will do.
"My time frame is not yours" He says to me.
My thinking says “I am ready”.
His says, “There are still many things for you to learn’.
Day by day I surrender all.
Day by day I learn to walk, waiting, trusting, believing in the impossible of those things on my heart.
Day by day I question and continue to put on the altar the disappointment of my heart.
Day by day I choose to believe His word and stand in faith not on what I have seen but what I believe.
Day by day I come to him in tears and in that place His Holy Spirit renews my heart.
He renews my hopes,
He renews my dreams,
He whispers - keep going, don’t give up,
He encourages me on.
Until I can see with eyes that are willing,
Until I can see that there is something bigger being worked out in the foundations of my faith,
Until I can see that it’s not just about me but about all those he wants to bring alongside me,
Until I can see that He wants ALL the glory, not just some of it,
Until I can see that He is good and His plans are good despite how things may look.
Until I know that He is God and I learn to let go and rest and trust in Him.
And so I wait, with childlike faith being restored, renewed day by day.
And so I wait with eager expectation of what He is going to teach and show me today.
And so I wait and learn to ‘rest’ in Him and that ‘He’ is more than enough without the dream
and vision coming to pass.
That He and His presence is more than enough to satisfy every place in my heart.
That actually I only want Him and Him alone and without the journey of obedience in the day to day, I would not understand that He is the only living water that satisfies every place in my heart.
That the dream and vision is only a bypass of the relationship with Him that can not be surpassed.
That Eternity Life is found in Knowing Him and being Known by Him, not anything I can do for Him and with Him. And finally I rest…..I believe…… I trust….. with fullness and childlike faith of Heart.