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"Winds of Crisis"

Pray for the “Winds of Crisis” to be stilled.

Last night I had this dream and I woke up frightened because of what I saw.  
I saw Isis attacking New Zealand, I saw a Maori man rising up like that of Isis full of anger, I saw people running up a hill to get away, but then I saw people handing in their guns in a gun amnesty and others holding onto theirs because if they didn’t they had nothing to protect themselves.

It was a frightening dream that woke me up and got me praying.

I thought of the scripture in 2 Chronicles 7:14 that says “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

I got up and I prayed until I got the peace of God that passes all understanding and no longer aligned or come into agreement to the fear that wants to come in and disrupt  and cripple with a dream such as this.  

We are in a time I believe, where things that are happening around us can seek to cause fear and disrupt our peace and trust in the Lord and the Lord is wanting to teach us how to stand through the trials, whatever trials that we may face, whether its an attack from Isis, whether its cancer, whether its financial crisis, whatever it may be.

Recently when we were in China (August) I was woken away with a very powerful and very frightening vision that I saw and the words that came in this vision were “Winds of Crisis are coming, watch what the animals do and do the same” and as I watched I saw the animals running for the base of a huge mountain and burrowing into the base of the mountain as something very powerful was coming from above that was going to cause a lot of destruction and if we didn’t burrow in like the animals into the mountain then we would not survive.  This vision was so powerful I got up and wrote to our daughter Kate back in New Zealand straight away telling her I loved her as in this vision I didn’t know whether I would ever see her again.

We are in a time where ‘winds of crisis’ are blowing everywhere bringing with it a lot of destruction, but like the animals that ran for the base of the mountain, we too have to learn to run and hide in Jesus as He is our mountain, He is our strong tower, He is our fortress our protector in whom we can trust.  
Heb 12:18-24  "You have not come to a mountain that can be touched and that is burning with fire; to darkness, gloom and storm;... but you have come to Mount Zion, to the heavenly Jerusalem, the city of the living God.  You have come to thousands upon thousands of angels in joyful assembly... to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel."
And as I prayed this morning and came to the mountain - came to Jesus, my peace was restored, my trust was restored, my faith restored and my rest came again.
Deut 20:1-2  “When you go to war against your enemies and see horses and chariots and an army greater than yours, do not be afraid of them because the Lord your God who brought you up out of Egypt will be with you.  
When you are about to go into battle the priest shall come forward and address the army.
He shall say “Hear, O Israel today you are going into battle against your enemies.  Do not be fainthearted or afraid, do not be terrified or give way to panic before them.  For the Lord your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.”  

Its at times like this that we need to be reminded of the truth that sets us free, that our God is greater and He is able to fight our battles for us.  We need to be reminded of who our God is and the stories from the Bible give us courage and hope and reminders that if God is for us, then who can be against us.  
But as in the dream last night where I saw people laying down their weapons, we need to lay down our weapons of war that would fight against in retaliation to anger or coming into agreement with fear and intimidation, whatever is coming against us and pickup our weapons of warfare of faith, hope and love and those seen in Eph 6 of the helmet of salvation, that we are saved and have eternal life, of the breastplate of righteousness, that we are set free from sin, of our feet fitted with the gospel of peace, of the belt of truth, of the word of God the sword to tear down strongholds such as that of fear,  of the shield of faith that our God is able to do what He said He would do and bring the opposite spirit to what the world is bringing.  We need to pick up forgiveness, healing and restoration and as I prayed this morning I prayed for forgiveness to be released in this nation because people only fight and take up arms because of some type of offense and hurt and we need to be a people who forgives our brother and listens to the hurts and prays for those hurts to be healed.

So I urge you to pray for our nation, I urge you to awake to the circumstances and warnings that the Lord is giving through so many voices and not just carry on with life as if nothing is going to happen.  I urge you to as it says in 2 Chronicles to humble yourselves and pray, 
  • pray for healing in our land, 
  • pray for forgiveness to arise
  • pray for His perfect love that casts out all fear to come into hearts of man that the people of God would not become fainthearted or afraid and not give way to panic but come into peace and trust in the Lord no matter the crisis that may be before us.  
  • pray for whatever the Lord puts on your heart to pray.
Jesus spoke to the storm in the boat and it calmed down and the Lord is calling to us to speak to those winds of crisis and tell them to be calmed in Jesus Name and we do that through prayer and knowing the authority we have in Christ Jesus.

You wouldn't believe it but straight after writing my blog this morning I felt to go for a walk ( that doesn't happen very often at 6am :) ) and as I walked outside in the country between Christchurch and Lincoln on the road was walking an angry abusive Maori man swearing all down the road and had I not prayed earlier and prayed for healing and forgiveness and because peace came into my heart from my earlier dream I might have not gone out to walk as he was right outside our place but because I now had peace I went outside unafraid and walked alongside him and as I did I saw this monument right opposite of where we are staying which blew my mind which had a plaque on it saying  "Let peace cultivate our fields". I saw these as a sign from The Lord of confirmation of my blog.  So cool

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