I believe there are some out there who feel like they are being tossed about from one thing to the other, not sure where they are heading or what they are believing for and this is a time when you just want to give up and walk away from the promises God has put inside of you. I want to encourage you to keep going and as it says in James 1:2 " Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." I know that sometimes you don't consider it all joy when you go through trials but believe me, it develops things in you that you will be grateful for if you don't give up and you will see fruit in your life and those around you should you learn to walk in patience and perseverance. These are times you don't want to be a lone sheep but instead get yourself around people of faith who will build you up and speak into your life the truth of who you are and what you are called to. People who will speak life. May the Lord encourage you at this time and give you clear direction and purpose. Many blessings!
We are excited to be able to share with you some of the dreams and visions that God has given us for a long time now which are beginning to come into fruition. The calendar are photos I have taken throughout the years in mission, faces of the nations. It is my desire it would be a prayer calendar both for the nations and for the ministry. The wheat bags are the product of the beginning of the sewing business believing to create small business ideas for those in need so that as a body we lack nothing and have something to share. It is hoped that we will train others in sewing to be able to help themselves create a small income. These are just two of the ideas that we have been able to step into and believe to see these grow into more business ideas and opportunities. Please support us as we sow into what we believe God would have us do. Blessings - Sarah and the team