Since writing last –
We continue to pray about the tent meeting but the Lord seems to continue to have that on hold as I believe he has another way of doing the same thing but in a new way where the whole body will be used and so we wait until all the pieces come together. Please be patient with us in this.
Africa – We continue to have words given to us about Africa and so the Lord is definitely talking about Africa but he seems to be widening the vision with it all, not just Malawi. It seems more like at this stage visiting a number of African Countries wherever the Lord leads, empowering people – a bit like the last China trip but for longer and more countries and so too we wait for all the pieces to fit together. He has said to have our bags packed ready to go at a moments notice and so we have done that by faith, there are just a few other things that need to come together to make this possible.
Picton – We were blessed to be part of a team that went to Picton to minister in different ways. Jim and I spoke at two services in the Anglican Church and then again on the Wednesday night in a special meeting open to all the churches. The other two ladies that were part of the team, taught on the prophetic/seer anointing and on dreams and interpretation.
This was a wonderful time and the Lord really touched the people he brought. People were healed again physically and emotionally, God speaking personally to people.
I have started a blog site where I am putting some of my teachings and thoughts that come up so all can access when they want to and so what the Lord was speaking about there can be accessed now on:
Become a follower of our blogspot.
Where we are at right now:
Jim and I have been in quite a frustrating place and I was saying to someone last night, it feels like I am a pregnant mother who is two weeks overdue in the baby being birthed and it’s about time it came out! But in that the Lord is still teaching me things and continues to remind me to ‘rest’ and just enjoy my relationship with him and not worry about other things, that he is bringing everything together. So I would ask for your prayer in this. Frustration in the waiting seems to be the button that gets pushed in me. And we all know that if a baby is born too early it lacks some developmental area that it needs and I don’t want that. There have been times of recent that we have nearly bailed out on the vision and dream and gone back to full time work, but when we are in that place the Lord in some way or through some person speaks to us and keeps us heading toward the goal. We also see things a certain way but the Lord fulfils his word completely, it may just be in a different way than we see.
Last month we asked you to pray about the release of finances and in that we have been looking for part time work but nothing has come up in this area although there may be some milkings’ for Jim in September. We have advertised for someone to rent out part of our home, which can be a self-contained unit, but to this point no one has taken it on – so if you know of anyone who needs a bit of space in the country, please put them in contact with us. But the Lord has given us a breakthrough in this whole area of just trusting in Him. It has really been a process but coming into the freedom of that which is wonderful, its not my problem, it’s the Lords – my Fathers, and he has never left us without provision.
We have done all that we can do and now the Lord has to do His part. It’s all how we see the provision and so we look forward to His provisions. So thank you for praying with us last month to see a break through in this area. We haven’t seen the finances come in yet (a little has) but we have seen a breakthrough in my peace in trusting the Lord in this area and coming back into the child-like trust that the Lord needs us to be in otherwise I am actually sitting in unbelief and not trust and belief.
The dream
We have these places that are saying, “come” – not churches as such (although there are some new doors opening up in that area), but groups of people or individuals, who are wanting more of the Lord. The Lord has really put on us a call of ‘fire-lighting’ all over the place, of reopening the wells that have been covered over for whatever reason, wherever that may be, whether its with someone having coffee, whether its with a small group in a home, whether its in larger gatherings or churches, whether its in China or Africa or Siberia, whether its to missionaries who need life in their darkest hour or whether its teaching truth that sets people free or teaching people to walk in the power of God. Our heart is to see the body of Christ wherever that may be being a people of power in their place, in their world to win the world.
Well the Lord opens the way for this to happen in the right time and the baby I mentioned earlier is about to break forth – the cry to ‘go’ is getting so strong but in order for that to break forth we need to some other provisions come in certain areas and we would ask for your prayer for this. God’s timing is amazing and he makes everything beautiful in His time that fits with everyone.
So another area of provision that needs prayer: - Kate
She of course is our biggest priority and the Lords and previously the timing was not right for us to go for longer periods of time than we have for her sake but we believe the Lord is releasing us more to be on the move and she too is now ready for us to go. So whether this is a week here, or a week there, or a month here, or there, or full time boarding, these are the questions we are asking of the Lord. We need to see a home open up for Kate who loves her and understands the call on us and on her and would be a stable place for her to come and go depending on what the Lord does or………For some reason I feel like where we live now is ‘home’ for the first time ever, and don’t ‘feel’ like we are to leave permanently, but to come and go from this place. So that being the case we would need someone in the house with Kate whenever we would go or a place she can go to for periods of time that would be a stable place. She turns 16 on the 13th of this month.:)
Thank you for standing with us in prayer on this.
Dates on calendar for prayer:
· This coming weekend 4th Sept. we are sharing at the services in Te Awamutu Presbyterian Church
· 2nd October Kawhia Baptist Church
· 9th October –23 Oct all through school holidays, possibly joining Tent meetings in Murrapara and going to Hawkes Bay to a group there who have said ‘come’.
· 30th October Tauaramanui Community Church
Thank you so much everyone, please check out the blogsite and join on and hopefully be uplifted more in the Lord than what I can write in this also I think we will end up using that from wherever we may be.
With love,
Jim & Sarah