A couple of weeks ago I have had several visions which I believe is a prophetic picture of what God is currently doing and what He is about to do.
Firstly, I saw ahead on the highway a huge explosion with black smoke billowing up and as I came to it I saw people had been burnt and I could smell the smell of burnt flesh.
Our God is consuming fire (Heb 12:29). His love is in the fire.
Something the Lord has been talking to us about is the fall of the acts of the flesh, the strength of man. This vision I saw was a representation that of the fire of Gods love is coming and going to burn away the things of the flesh, the things that were not of the Lord, the things that may have been good in their time but today is a new day.
Perhaps the familiar things we are so used to that we don't even know it's there. The way we might speak, the way we might act, the way we might respond that are familiar with us but aren't necessarily of the Kingdom nature we have in Christ.
The things that are external and perhaps come from a worldly wisdom and mindset but perhaps not from a kingdom mindset and therefore not eternal.
The things we are afraid of, where things perhaps once happened and now you are no longer functioning as you might have had that not have happened. He is going to restore what has been lost due to traumas and anxiety.
The places where our trust has been in man, in what we have, in what we have done or do but not in God.
All these supposedly 'little' things but actually are actually big things.
I believe God is wanting a people led fully by the spirit and not by the flesh and many of us work often as a mixture of both spirit and flesh. The Lord is restoring the 'spontaneity' of life and the first love of the Lord. The Lord is reminding us to look through the eyes of faith and to step out in that faith, not limiting God because of our lack or our belief system but to take those steps of faith according to his word and see Him come and release of Heaven with our faith with our action knowing that we cannot it, it must take a miracle of God for it to happen. It's in that place where He will do it, where He will get all the praise and all the Glory.
The Second Vision I saw was Jim and I were driving in a campervan to the beach and I saw these waves getting huge and becoming a tsunami and there was going to be a storm but at the base of the beach I saw huge fishing jumping into the arms of a man standing on the beach. There was this sense it was a storm but if we stood back for a minute it would pass by and the next morning we would need a bigger vehicle and one that was our own and not borrowed.
There is a storm coming that with the wind will bring in questioning and doubt and you may want to turn back for a time but don't give up because I believe there is a move of the spirit coming that is going to bring with it many big fish, souls, many people into the Kingdom of God. We won’t need to put out a net perhaps but the move of the spirit that the Lord is bringing is going to bring people into His Kingdom that were once in the world.
Now I know this has been prophesied about before and the Lord has been speaking all this year to “get ready, get ready, get ready” and hence we have been preparing but there will be a challenge as the storm comes to overcome whatever may be coming, so let me encourage you to stand through the storm and to believe by faith that when the storm is over it will bring with it many souls into the Kingdom of God and we need to be ready and prepared for the enlargement that is coming.
After this vision I saw another vision which contained wonderous signs and wonders taking place but I also saw that some may get jealous as they see others working in signs and wonders and they weren’t.
My encouragement to you is try not to get discouraged but to rejoice with those who rejoice (Rom 12:15) and also don’t rejoice in the signs and wonders but rejoice that your names are written in the book of life (Luke 10:20). We need to be excited and encouraged as things happen around us but may not be happening with us. We need to rejoice in what God is doing even if it is not with us, we are all equal in His Kingdom and God doesn’t show favoritism but we all have different parts to play.
And lastly, I was standing on a platform looking at all the different fish that were being sold in the marketplace on our street and my mother was in my house wanting me to come and do the ironing. I was like Zacchaeus getting up a tree to have a better look but I was pulled back to do housework.
I encourage you and remind myself not to get all caught up in the day to day chores of life that you miss out on what God is doing right in front of your eyes. God is at work all the time and the miraculous might be happening in front of you and you may not even see it because you are focused on the ‘work’ of life. Like the story of Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42), I encourage you to take the time to ‘sit’ at his feet, to see what He is doing, to hear what He is saying. Each of us have different parts to play, you might have a gift in the helps arena, or the gift of administration and somebody else may have a teaching and preaching gift, or a gift of the prophetic, but are equal and needed to see the fullness of the Kingdom of God released. Let’s recognize how God has made us each individually and differently and honor the different parts of the body releasing each to do their own part and not demanding they be like yourself of like me.
Many blessings to you all in this new season and I look forward to hearing the testimonies of what God is doing in the midst of the day to day on the street, in the marketplace, as He moves by His Spirit and bringing many into His Kingdom bringing with it great joy.