In the natural there is a fight going on for life and death, and so too in the spiritual. Life and death over the promises and future destines that He has declared over each one of us.
Now is the time to stand and fight and declare life and truth to those things He has put on your heart, those things that have been prophetically declared over you.
It is almost as though the focus has been on Covid 19 and what's happening in the natural and so things are 'slipping away' without us even realising it as our eye is drawn to what is happening in the natural. So please be careful in this time to keep your eye not only what is happening in the natural but also what is happening in the spiritual.
For myself the Lord is showing me the battle over continuing in the church, which seems a continual battle for ourselves and yet the Lord is showing me in answer to my questions, that He has provided every time I have put that question to Him. He has answered my prayer as I come to Him with my needs and so we continue by faith and not by sight. In the natural things are dying and in the Spiritual things are also dying but make sure they are only the things that the Lord would have die in our lives. For myself, dying to the continual questioning and instead giving thanks for the answered prayer and being thankful for all that God has given, opens my eyes again to see the possibility of what is to come, opens my eyes again to faith and future, hope and promise.
So there are things that need to die in this time, only to be 'resurrected' in a new way. Resurrected in renewed clarity of vision, renewed clarity in the way and steps forward as we give thanks for where the Lord has taken us and grown us over the years. Nothing is ever wasted, instead we go from glory to glory, precept upon precept, from strength to strength. There is so much the Lord has been teaching us all in the steps we all been taking over the years, so as we all can carry more in the future and this is something to give thanks for.
Let's make sure we keep our focus on faith, on the promises and pick up those shields, pick up the sword and stand and fight for our inheritances in the Lord. Eph 6:10:18