We had an amazing weekend with Labour Weekend and so I wanted to share some photos, some words that the Lord brought, so that what He did, doesn't get lost in the busyness and distractions of the next day and share some testimonies.
Firstly - A thank you and testimony:
Dear Team... to everyone involved in an amazing weekend. WOW.. Weekend Of Worship !! it sure was WOW !!! Thank you SO much team... there are not words enough to express deep gratitude to you all, for allowing the Lord to use you all to minister to us in deep and wonderful ways. The Lord bless you all abundantly !!
Some words/pictures brought;
Prophetic Reset - There was a picture of like bones were being rebroken in order to be set right. It was like foundations that had been there for a long time were set incorrectly and the Lord was 'rebreaking' in order to have the right foundations.

Freedom - For many there had been a sense that there had been a 'capping', a lid on people, that held them where they were, whether that was from others or from themselves. The freedom of the gospel came again. It says in Gal 5:1 "It is for freedom Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." For many we blame others for our lack of freedom but in actual fact Christ has set us free and it is our 'responsibility' to remain in that place in our spirit. Perhaps not in our situations but in our spirit we are free in Christ and He whom he sets free is free indeed. This is not based on our outward circumstances but rather an internal reality. And so the need to forgive others and to own our own freedom in Christ was brought.
Firstly - A thank you and testimony:
Dear Team... to everyone involved in an amazing weekend. WOW.. Weekend Of Worship !! it sure was WOW !!! Thank you SO much team... there are not words enough to express deep gratitude to you all, for allowing the Lord to use you all to minister to us in deep and wonderful ways. The Lord bless you all abundantly !!
Some words/pictures brought;
Encounter/Visitation - Jim shared about from the moment of visitation to the promise, things can almost look like they are going backwards before you are thrust into the destiny. For example Joseph went to prison before he fed a nation. And so not giving up in the in-between from visitation to the promise land. David was running around in the desert hiding in caves before he became a King. In the process in the 'in-between' God was building treasures in their lives in order to carry out the promise that he had for them. We all need an encounter with the Lord to keep us on the road to the promises and so the call for the weekend was for an encounter with the Lord to touch peoples lives, bringing encouragement, refreshment, refiling and re-firing.
For many of us our foundations are based around what we know and the culture we are used to in which we live and move, but are not necessarily the foundations of the gospel.
Purity of the Gospel - It was like there was a muddiness of the gospel, where things had been watered down by the world's thinking and way of doing things and was no longer pure, but the Lord I believe brought a purity again of the gospel message. It is easy like in the picture above of the prophetic reset to take in world views and mix them with the gospel making them 'user friendly' instead of the 'truth' which is powerful for tearing down strongholds. As Christians I believe and I know for myself, how easy it is in our working out of theologies and the issues that go on in life to 'water down' the truth of the word of God or what God is trying to say. And so I came away from the weekend I believe with a 'purity' being re-instituted, a clarity to see things were things had been a little mucky, a seeing of the way forward where there had been questions before.
In the Unity that commands a blessing - what are you asking for?
Psalm 133 : 1-3
"How good and pleasant it is when God's people live together in unity!
Someone asked me 'Sarah you need to be ready when unity comes, for what you will ask for' And when it came the Lord showed me to ask for the ministry of reconciliation and restoration of all that had been lost.
2 Cor 5:14 - 21
v18 "All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation".
That we would be a people who carried the ministry of reconciliation and that the Lord would restore all that has been lost and stolen by the work of the enemy. Calling forth and prophesying into families, finances, relationships, unity in the body of Christ, etc. that we would be a people walking in power not just in talk.
Another Testimony - thank you Jesus!
Hello Glory Release Ministries!
I came to the weekend with a question in my heart about serving God full-time. By the end of the weekend I had all the confirmations I needed from the Lord through receiving ministry at various times and through the Lord speaking to me during the weekend! So, I am working right now on enrolling for a Pastor training course, and my Pastor has agreed. I'm not young, but the Lord can still use me for some years! Praise the Lord!
So we give thanks for all who helped, who prayed, who gave,
and mostly to the Lord for all He did!