March 17 2018 had a headline that I posted on Facebook, it read:
"Change is coming and it will happen quickly" and I said that was a prophetic headline if ever I saw it. Unbeknown the change that was about to come for Glory Release Ministries, Jim and myself.
The offices, training and equipping, will from the 3rd of April be running out of 16 Greenwood Street, Hamilton.
"Change is coming and it will happen quickly" and I said that was a prophetic headline if ever I saw it. Unbeknown the change that was about to come for Glory Release Ministries, Jim and myself.
Psalm 16 :11
"You make known the path of life
you will fill me with joy in your presence
with eternal pleasures at your right hand."
What an interesting two weeks - two weeks of provision, of open doors, of favour, of stepping over the chicken line, of leaning on what we have seen and heard by faith, of moving with the wind of the spirit. And yet its been years of waiting, and like the movie "I can only Imagine" what was written in ten minutes that became a song, was a lifetime in the making. For Jim and I - the things that we have seen start to begin to happen is a lifetime of learning, growing, waiting, trusting, believing, stepping in by faith and also things sometimes seem to suddenly happen but there is a backdrop to the movie that is unfolding before you.
Just to note:
- It's the end of the financial year March 31 (New Financial Year)
- It's Easter weekend (Death and resurrection)
- It's End of Daylight savings (time is changing)
- It's the end of GRM being based of home ministry into the public beginnings of the Glory Release Resource Centre into the wider community.
Gods timing - Gods perfect plan as we walk with him and trust in him and wait for him which really in essence is waiting for us to be who we are called to be and to walk as he created us to be.
Yesterday as we were praying the Lord reminded me that I would not necessarily know the steps before me until I need to know. We as a people and body of Christ are not called to worry about tomorrow and yet so often we are making plans and trying to make them happen and yet tomorrow could change everything. We make plans and say "If it is the Lords will, we will do this or that". So we learn to let go when the winds of the spirit change. When the cloud is moving, we move with it.
And so suddenly at this stage we have a new step - for now.
This is we believe a temporary relocation for however long the Lord would have this door open before he opens the next door because the Lord keeps saying it will grow and we will need bigger premises. But in the meantime we are blessed with this provision which in itself is a miracle. There are so many spiritual and practical shifts in this change, a time of growing and stretching in a new way, challenges we have never needed to face before now so many new things to learn, to believe by faith for.
So on a practical note: we need office furniture, chairs, tables, office room dividers etc etc. So if you have anything like this hanging around and you would like to donate/lend to GRM we would love to chat with you. Also financially there are many more needs associated with running an office, insurances etc and if this is something the Lord would have you help with then please check out the donations page. We also need prayer with every arena as change happens.
We are so very grateful as we see the hand of God on this, but not just in the building but in the whole bigger picture the Lord is doing in the Spirit, in our nation, in preparation for the move of God that I believe has hit our nation and the need for training and equipping the saints is going to come because of it.
We thank you once again for all your support and encouragement not just today but over the years as we have journeyed together by faith into all that God has.