Those in Egypt who were taken and led out of slavery with Moses and crossed the Red Sea saw the miracles of God, they saw their God working in mighty ways before their very eyes and yet not long from where they saw these things take place, they come into quarrelling and times of testing and in this place they forget the miracles, they forget the bigness of their God and all he can do and has done and they harden their hearts.
Many of us through times of testing, through trials, through believing for things and not yet seeing it happen, find ourselves unintentionally hardening our heart to what we have seen or know that our God can do. We stop moving in faith in which we first did at the beginning in our relationship with the Lord and we end up living along like all those around us and accepting our states in life and no longer step out in faith on the bigger things in which the Lord has called us to. Perhaps we have stepped out in faith before and God 'seemingly' didn't come through the way we thought he would, or perhaps we think we heard wrong or for whatever reason we no longer step out the way we once did.
And in this place we have 'hardened our heart' as it says in Psalm 95:7
"Today, if only you would hear his voice,
Do not harden your hearts as you did at Meribah
as you did that day at Massah in the wilderness,
where your ancestors tested me,
they tried me, though they had seen what I did.
(Mariah means quarrelling, Massah means testing)

Many have become tired and weary through the past year or so but it is a new season, it is a new day and to step out in faith again, not to give up.
Recently I have picked up a book by Rolland Baker called "Keeping the Fire" and he brings out 5 main points which he believes has kept their heart in revival, which through our lives can testify to be true and in these encourage us to put ourselves into a place that will stretch us again, that will put us in a place of dependancy in God again for the miraculous. His 5 points are:
1. Find God
2. Depend on Miracles
3. Go to the Least
4. Suffer for Him, if necessary
5. Rejoice in the Lord.
I encourage you to pick up his book, its a small easy book to read.
Its a new day, lets not rest in our current positions but to keep on pressing in to all that God has for us in Him and for His glory and in so doing you will be encouraged as you see the testimonies come because of the steps of faith that you step out in, it may be talking to your neighbour where God has helped in the past with a similar situation they might be walking through. But lets arise people and shine, so that the glory of God may be revealed and we will be refreshed and encouraged once again.