She put them away in a safe place and went
out into battle again for it only to be her last battle.
In looking back her regret was that she
never told anyone where the jewels were before she went out to battle that she
was given and so they were going to be lost and no longer being passed on,
hidden forever in history, the beauty of what she had been given lost and of no
Many of us have fought many battles in the
spiritual and natural realm and in that we have received jewels from the Lord
through the things we have learnt in those battles and the training of which we
have been in. We have taken from
those battles spoils of war, lessons learned, wisdom gained and the things we
have taken from those battles have made us beautiful, adorned us with jewelry
so to speak.

But the word of warning in this dream is
that those things we have gained through those battles is not lost in our
death. That what we have learnt,
that the inheritance we have received and been given, is passed on and not lost
and for no purpose.
It reminds me of the parable of the talents in Matt 25:14-30 and that the treasure we have received would not be buried unable to be passed on.
It reminds me of the parable of the talents in Matt 25:14-30 and that the treasure we have received would not be buried unable to be passed on.
In times past it was passed on through
stories told to their children, and now through media there are many ways of
passing on what we have been given, the spoils of war that we have received, so
that it doesn’t get lost.
You could write a blog or a book, sing a song, paint a picture, whatever the media and creativity that the
Lord has given you to be able to pass on what he gives you. It might be simply having a coffee with
a friend and sharing what you have learnt.
Whatever the way, I encourage you to
consider the inheritance that you have been given in the Lord and through the
battles that you have fought and overcome in, that it doesn’t die with you but
will be passed on from generation to generation.