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Showing posts from February, 2013

In the learning of patience He leads us to peace

Lately the Lord has been teaching me about the value of patience and what takes place in the waiting for the desires to happen, what the Lord brings to light that is in my heart that he wants to heal me of. There is so much teaching to be had when things don't happen as we think they should.  The matters of the heart that need exposing in order that we come into the truth of God.  So many things that we think we believe in, in our heads - but the reality is not quite there in our hearts and so in the patience and the waiting for things to happen the Lord, reveals these things to you because His heart for us is that we not be lacking anything. (James 1) I feel like I have finally had some breakthrough in one particular area in this and how do I know that - because of the rest and peace that comes when finally I trust in the Lord and wait for him to do it.  Peace is a Kingdom reality and position and when I am not in peace on something then I find that in reality I am no...

A couple of warnings to those in leadership/ministry.

Last night I had a dream and I want to share it with you. In the first part of the dream I saw like a Parachute festival being organised and in the setting up of things different things were being put on the road and one of those was a tent that a baby was going to sleep in.  As it was being put up a couple of big trucks drove by and didn't see the tent.  It was alright at that point but then the truck drivers were talked too because if they drove by again there was going to be a baby sleeping in it and if they continued to drive the way they were, they would run it over and kill the baby. Big trucks often represent powerful ministries and babies often represent new ministries.  And so I saw this first part of the dream as a warning to powerful ministries or ministries that are already going.  We are coming into a time where new ministries are coming out on the road and in this process please be careful not to run them over.  They are young and need to be pr...

Sat 9 March Worship with Hans Kraenzlin

Psalm 24 Swing wide the gates so the King of Glory may come in - Who is this King of Glory - the Lord Strong and Mighty in Battle. We have opened up our gates - our home - so that the King of Glory may come in. Saturday 9th March Lets worship and welcome the King of Glory! We are blessed to have Hans Kraenzlin and his family from Tauranga join us to lead in worship again before he leaves to go overseas for a time and so we are having a pot luck dinner at our home from 6pm onwards. Bring friends. Some are welcome to stay over communal style so let us know if you are interested to do that if you are from out of town. So bring plenty of food and drink not just for dinner but for the evening as I don't think it will be short :) Bring bedding if you need to: Come with open hearts for the Lord!

Its time to let go of the bank and go with the river wherever it goes

A few years ago when we were working on the Tibetan Plateau the Lord was wanting to take us to another level in Him and he gave us this picture of the river and being so washed away by the river that we could no longer hold onto the bank, the waters edge. As we prayed for more of the Glory of the Lord, this became the position that we had to take, to let go of the things that we held on to, those things that were like safety to us, that were familiar,  that gave stability and seemingly direction and to allow God to take us where he wanted to take us, no matter where it led us knowing that he had good plans for us.  To be so washed away in His presence and in His leading, no matter what it looked like or where it lead, to be completely surrendered trusting in Him. In Ezekiel 47 "it talks about the river flowing from the Temple.  Verse 3...the man...then led me through water that was ankle deep.  He measured off another thousand cubits and led me through water that...

It's time to sing again

This past week the Lord has been speaking out of Philippians 3 and there are a few things I believe he wants to share. Firstly: its time to sing/speak again.  Things have hurt people in the past and because of the hurt it has 'shut' their voice down.  It is not a place of denying what has happened but it is a time to forgive and to not allow the enemy a stronghold and to step into all that the Lord has put on our lives and to sing and speak with the voice he has given us. Pray and bless those who it may seem as if they persecuted you.  In releasing forgiveness, blessing and prayer over them, we are asking the Lord to bring them into the fullness of him which in turns shifts things in their world and in your own.   The Lord has called us as Christians to a ministry of reconciliation and in praying for those who have hurt us, He will heal our hearts toward that situation whatever it may be and help us step forward into the new things he has for you. Secondly: "For...

Dry and weather worn or re-oiled, deep & beautiful?

Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!  Rev 19:9 Last night I had a dream and I saw two wedding parties both celebrating weddings down by the lake and then I saw one wedding party go off and get their food and the other wedding party were asleep resting down by the lake but they were not invited to go and get food yet. There was this sense that they would get food later but this verse kept coming to me about those being invited to the wedding supper and so I wonder if there is a bit of a call that we not be found asleep when the bride groom comes.   (Matt 25: 1-13 The Parable of the Ten Virgins - read it if you don't know it). I was yesterday re-oiling some outside furniture with linseed oil and I realised how badly it needed it and how dry and weather worn it had got over the 3 years in which I hadn't done it and yet it was not a big job, in fact really easy and quick and so I made a mental note to do it again next year so it didn't get...

A caution to the racers

This morning I saw a picture of a new mail delivery vehicle it was blue and it was full of youth.  I was driving along the road but in their excitement to beat me to the end of the road they cut corners on the inside like on a racetrack.  On the straight there was this fun race spuring each other on but on the corner they cut it hoping to race ahead. My caution to the youth, in the excitement and joy of delivering the heavenly mail (blue signifies the heavenly/spiritual) things to people e.g. words of knowledge, prophecy, etc. sometimes its wise not to cut corners trying to race ahead of others because that is where accidents can happen.  It is good to spur one another on in the things of God, but where there is a turn in the road, make sure you can see clearly ahead of you otherwise keep to the road even though it may take a second or two longer, as you will find it is safer and not cause accidents or harm people in the process. So for example if you have a word for ...

Vision for the Puketaha Hall Gatherings

Vision for the Puketaha Hall Gatherings –       Family Gatherings – The new but old interpretation of Church? Last night I had a dream and in this dream I saw what I believed the Lord is saying for the gatherings on the Wednesday nights. I saw a motel room and as we were preparing one of our friends came in and had a bath and she was naked but happily having a bath in front of me.  Then one by one, different people came in, family came in and began gathering.  My sister came in carrying a brand new baby, which we were all so excited about because it was brand new.  Others came and gathered that we had not expected and hadn’t seen for a while and we were so thrilled to see them. The youth had been at something else but were still here and they came. So I believe the gatherings at Puketaha hall will be like going to a motel for a family gathering where you all come from different places and join for an event. A...

Our latest newsletter

Dear friends and partners,. Well the new year has begun and with it the thoughts and plans about what the Lord is asking of us this coming year. Some things that are becoming very clear to us is that he is 'settling' us down a bit and it is NZ's time and that we are called to build the church here in New Zealand at the moment yet still believe there will be some trips overseas somewhere along the line.  How building the church here in New Zealand looks is the question we are asking the Lord to which we still wait and ask you to pray with us to see God's blueprint for how that is to be in this season.  It is happening with the various people that the Lord is bringing to us, but we believe he is saying perhaps in a more concrete way?   As mentioned last year we believed he was saying to prepare for expansion and so we stepped into the Resource Room beginning and it becoming equipped with CD's DVD's, books etc that people can borrow so please feel free ...

Its upside down but right way up.???

I am excited. A few weeks ago I had this picture where I saw houses being turned upside-down and being rebuilt from the inside, but everything inside the house was upside-down. This may not sound very encouraging but I was greatly encouraged because it was a good thing.  Although things seemed upside down it was actually the right way up.  And as I write this I remember something Bill Johnson talked about at one of the Manifest Presence conferences a couple of years ago and correct order of apostolic government and how it was a different model than that of the world where things are dominated from the top down, but instead this model was a model of servanthood serving, an upside-down model compared to that of the world.  And like Jesus rode a donkey and yet He was king, not lording over people as the world does, but coming from a position of humility and love for others.  And so this excites me that 'the church' as a whole and as individuals is coming into, I beli...

Its time to praise him!

Psalm 150 Praise the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary; Praise him in his mighty heavens. Praise him for his acts of power; Praise him for his surpassing greatness. Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet, Praise him with the harp and lyre, Praise him with tambourine and dancing; Praise him with the strings and flute, Praise him with the clash of cymbals, Praise him with resounding cymbals. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. What is it that we have to be contained in our faith?  When King David danced in the street with everything he had in public, his wife watched and she despised him in her heart and she was barren from that time forth. With everything that has breath praise the Lord!  Oh imagine what that would look like if we with everything we had within us, praised the Lord like David, not caring what other people thought because of his passionate thanksgiving for all that the Lord had done. One despised David but before...

Whose house are we building?

This morning I was reading in 2 Samuel 7 and it is where David’s heart is to build a place for the ark of God to rest in rather than a tent.  “Here I am, living in a palace of cedar, while the ark of God remains in a tent”.  He recognises something that is not right and sets about to put God in his proper place of honour. A few years ago we were managing a sheep and beef farm and the Lord spoke to us out of the book of Haggai 1, verse 4 “Is it a time for you yourselves to be living in your panelled houses, while this house remains a ruin.”  This scripture changed the complete direction of where we were heading.  We were Christians, we were going to church, fully involved in Church, leading a cell group, on the church council, leading worship, doing Sunday School etc.  at the time but then God challenged us with the book of Haggai and we realised that we were in fact building our own house even though we were doing God things as well.  Our ...

The beauty in diversity.

A few years ago we lived in China and worked with about eight different cultures as part of our team.  We were the only kiwis.  Boy did we learn alot about how we perceive things and how we judge others, and what is our cultural norms and standard, our worldview that we carried without even realising it that we expected others to be the same. It opened my eyes to the diversity of God's creation and the beauty that was there when we learnt to accept each other and the way we all worked, the different mindsets and beliefs that challenged my own but opened my eyes to see things different, the different ways of honour or lack of honour, all sorts of things.  It has brought a desire to understand why people think the way they think, why they do what they do, why they believe what they believe.  It has brought depth to me as a person and the ability to listen and to love and to want what the other person has, because I need it in my life to make me who I am. Yesterd...