Recently we have been being challenged as to what it is to be 'family' and that when things arise, when confrontation happens, when offences come, in what ever way, we are so used to 'running' from the issues and not dealing with it. This sort of thinking comes from an 'orphan' mentality, one in which we don't know that confrontation can be a good thing as it looks at truths that actually set us and others, free. That in running away from the issue we don't allow God to heal, to restore, to reconcile, to honour, all sorts of issues are not actually dealt with when we run from confrontation, when we run from offences or hurt and we miss out on what could be if we trusted God to deal with our situations. We have also talked about submitting ourselves to others and what that may look like. Recently I had a picture of an adult going around and around in a school yard because he would not honour the authority of the school headmaster and that authority w