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Showing posts from July, 2019

They closed their ear to me....

As a parent we give advice to our children so that they will not come to harm, we want to see them prosper in all they do.  So too, the Lord, our Father, has given us and continues to give us advice through wisdom and understanding that comes from others, and through the word of God, so we will not be harmed and prosper in all we do.  But so often like teenagers, we don't want to listen to our parents, we want to do it our own way and in so doing sometimes learn the hard way. I don't know about you but there are many things that the Lord has spoken to me through others and through His word, that I have not heard the first, second, or third time,  and it's not until something happens do we 'seek' council and actually have ears to hear what others are saying to us. Wisdom and understanding are all around us all of the time, but so often we are not ready to hear it until something happens and we search out the 'why'.  Like the warnings to have a disaster pa