Are you feeling a little unsettled and just wanting and looking for that place of rest and stability where there seemingly are no challenges - for a while at least anyway? I was chatting with the Lord this morning and he said to me, "Sarah, these are just winds of change, and without the wind, it would not blow you to where I want you to be. The wind takes you places you could never go on your own, it propels forward a lot faster if there were no winds, in it I am just wanting you to learn to rest in the boat like Jesus was when the storms arose. Not to be afraid of the storm, not to be afraid of the wind, not to be trying to work everything out, (yet again as seems to be the default, smile emoticon ), but to learn to once again to 'rest' to 'trust' me in this new wind that is blowing you." And as I was praying again about some of the issues I started to laugh as I realised how far, in the smallest things, like simply getting a mothers day present, I